Spring in Vienna

Spring in Vienna

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Spring in Vienna

Signs of spring are everywhere and the warmer, nicer, weather has made our time outdoors much more enjoyable. Runners are everywhere as people are training for the Vienna Half Marathon and Marathon in April. Finn will be running the Half-Marathon. It will be a spectacular course with the finish line right in front of the Hofburg Palace. 

Life here has taken on a familiar rhythm-school, soccer, music, play dates, baseball. Life with children has it's similarities, regardless of geographic location.  Arissen is home now until next fall. We felt with all the changes in his world, he needed time to adjust. We visited the Schmetterling Haus or Butterfly House. He really enjoyed watching the movie on the life cycle of the Butterfly, picking out souvenirs for his brother and sister and playing in the park outside the museum. The Schmetterling Haus is actually part of the Hofburg Palace. It was the former private greenhouse of the royal family. It was quite spectacular.

Austin and Anelie just started playing baseball with an American Baseball league so we will be spending much of our time on the baseball field for the next nine weeks. Right now, our commute on public is about an hour one way-quite a commute 4x a week! We hope to purchase a used car soon and are excited to cut our travel time in half. 

We hope all is well! We love hearing from family and friends. Enjoy the pics of our recent excursions in Vienna.
Auf Wiedersehen!

1 comment:

  1. That is the great thing about kids, consistency in chaos! Thanks for posting :0)
    Sara B.
